China will have humanoid robots by 2025

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According to SCMP , China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued a 9-page document calling for building a supply chain and increasing international competitiveness for the technology industry. In particular, the leaders of the billion-people country see robotics as a priority area for investment.

MIIT evaluates the presence of robots as bringing a breakthrough similar to computers, smartphones or vehicles using alternative energy. It is expected that by 2025, China will complete and put humanoid robots into mass production. By 2027, these machines will be able to think, learn and become one of the leading economic growth drivers.

According to MIIT, to achieve the goal, China needs to make more progress in artificial intelligence and the production of mechanical hand and leg details. The document says the humanoid robot will be used in special environments, facing harsh conditions, for example rescue work.

A robot model in China. Photo: Simon Song/SCMP

A robot model in China. Photo: Simon Song/SCMP

Shares of several robotics companies in China soared after MIIT’s new document. According to Bloomberg , the country of billions of people has ambitions to lead in new technology, from AI to quantum computing. Humanoid robots are an area in which China is increasing research, in order to create products capable of competing with the US.

Humanoid robots are not currently widely used due to lack of perfection. They have not yet mastered basic skills such as grasping, balance and walking. However, with the remarkable development of AI in recent times, this obstacle will soon be eliminated.

At the end of October, Amazon announced testing a robot with Digit arms and legs to assist in arranging goods. Tesla also introduced Optimus integrated with artificial intelligence, similar to its electric vehicle system. CEO Elon Musk said he expected robots to bring in billions of dollars in revenue in the future, when every person owns one or two Optimus.

According to 2022 statistics from the International Federation of Robotics, China surpassed the US to rise to fourth place among countries applying machinery to production. For every 10,000 workers, China has 322 support robots, while this number in the US is 274. Currently, Korea ranks first with 1,000 robots.

MIIT also mentioned increasing the number of robots serving many industries such as healthcare, home services, agriculture and logistics. In addition, China has ambitions to export robots internationally. According to the Korean Robot Industry Association (KARI), the country’s robot market is dominated by foreign companies, mainly from China. Currently, 70% of waiter robots operating in Korea are made in China . They cost from 10 million won ($7,460) to 30 million won ($22,620), one-fifth cheaper than domestic products.

Hoang Giang

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