Four words that should not be clicked when browsing the web to avoid spyware

four words that should not be clicked when browsing the web 6529948ddaf85 | Dang Ngoc Duy

According to anti-virus software company McAfee, pop-up notifications are quite common when browsing the web, especially when accessing unreliable sites such as websites downloading cracked software, sharing torrents or pirated content. Typically, pop-ups contain advertisements or notifications, but may also include malicious download links.

“Never click on any pop-up box or notification containing the words OK. Agree (agree), No (no) or Yes (yes) on unfamiliar websites, because this action can trigger the process download spyware silently,” McAfee recommends.

Instead, users should close pop-ups by pressing the X in the corner or close the browser completely.

Pop-up with phone winning content displayed on a website. Photo: TNW

Pop-up with phone winning content displayed on a website. Photo: TNW

According to experts, turning off the browser is not simply a matter of clicking on the X. Instead, users should turn it off completely by activating the task manager Task Manager > End task to close the above tabs. Windows. On a Mac, right-click the icon under the menu bar and select “Force Quit”.

Without taking these steps, users risk downloading malicious code or spyware. They can then collect data such as login names and passwords for online services, credit card numbers and other sensitive information.

In addition, iOS, Android, Windows or macOS users should update their operating systems regularly because it helps patch vulnerabilities that spyware and malicious programs can exploit.

Bao Lam

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