Google quietly tested super AI against GPT-4

google quietly tested super ai against gpt 4 6517133c50ccc | Dang Ngoc Duy

According to The Information , Google has rolled out the first version of Gemini to a small group of users. One of the test users said the chatbot has some stronger points than GPT-4 because it takes advantage of the huge amount of data Google has from the company’s products, instead of pure data collected from the Internet.

Data from services such as Google Translate, Google Maps, search, news… allows AI to more accurately understand user intentions. The source said Gemini has solved a major limitation of generative AI by giving fewer wrong answers. Meanwhile, SemiAnalysis researchers predict Gemini will likely perform better than GPT-4 given the company’s access to leading chips.

Zoubin Ghahramani, vice president of Google Research, speaking at an AI event. Photo: AP

Illustration of Google’s Gemini project. Photo: Analytics Indiamag

According to Insider , AI research groups DeepMind and Google Brain have merged to jointly develop Gemini. This multimodal AI model is believed by Google to be a major step forward in natural language processing and an answer to OpenAI ‘s GPT-4.

Previously, Demis Hassabis, CEO of DeepMind, announced that their next algorithm would eclipse ChatGPT. On August 28, two experts Dylan Patel and Daniel Nishball of research company SemiAnalysis posted an opinion article titled “Google Gemini eats the world – will break GPT-4 with five times the power with fewer GPUs” . The article argues that Google’s AI is poised to “blow away” GPT-4 with massive computing power, while requiring fewer graphics cards.

The article attracted the attention of experts and sparked a major debate. Even Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, commented. “Surprisingly, Google is asking these guys to analyze Gemini’s capabilities. It’s just a marketing article, it’s ridiculous,” Altman said on August 29.

However, The Information says Gemini will be the next step forward in AI . The model can handle a variety of data types, such as images and text, allowing for features such as visual analysis. In the blog post, Google said that once the testing and refinement process is complete, the model will be introduced in many different versions, depending on processing scale and computing performance.

Gemini is inspired by AlphaGo , developed by Google DeepMind. It was the first artificial intelligence to defeat Lee Sedol, one of the world’s greatest Go players, in 2016. “At a high level, you can visualize it,” Demis Hassabis told Wired in June. Gemini combines some of the strengths of the AlphaGo system with the great language capabilities of large models.”

Khuong Nha

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