Integrate photos into QR codes

integrate photos into qr codes 654e6fdaec95e | Dang Ngoc Duy

In retail stores, QR codes are often printed in multiple copies and framed in locations that attract attention, making it convenient for people to pay. However, in many cases, crooks take advantage of this loophole to overwrite the QR and swap the money receiving address. If you do not carefully check transaction information, buyers can easily become victims of fraud .

Faced with this situation, programming engineers have come up with a way to integrate any photo into the QR code, helping store owners create payment codes with unique identifying characteristics, making it more difficult for bad guys to profit. by mixing fake QR. The method is widely shared on technology forums in Vietnam and is quickly learned and applied by many people.

Mr. Nguyen Huu Tuan Anh, an information technology engineer, said that an individual with programming skills will only take a few minutes to integrate a photo into a QR code. Currently, a number of domestic and foreign units also have ideas to develop apps with similar features, supporting ordinary users to make their own QR codes with a high level of personalization.

“The black and white boxes on the QR code are actually encrypted information units (bits). After decoding, the programmer will push them to open source libraries to ‘insert’ more images,” he explained.

According to Mr. Tuan Anh, the first step is to create regular QR codes using banking linking platforms. The engineer will then use an open source library, such as OpenCv, to convert the QR into an encoded data string. Finally, the string is sent to another library, photos are added, and converted into a new QR code. The output product is the code integrated with the store’s own photo.

QR codes are designed by image-generating AI tools. Photo: Hoang Giang

Regarding the security level of image-integrated QR codes, Mr. Vu Ngoc Son, Technology Director at cyber security company NCS, assessed that this method makes it difficult for bad guys to commit fraud, but does not completely prevent it. can block. The reason is that except for the store’s own identifying image, the QR code itself does not contain information or tools for authentication, so it cannot be absolutely anti-counterfeit.

“When paying or using hidden content in QR codes, users should still confirm information with the code provider to minimize risks,” he said.

Hoang Giang

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