Many cheap TV Boxes have malware pre-installed

many cheap tv boxes have malware pre installed 6529954f45820 | Dang Ngoc Duy

Cyber security company Human Security (USA) said there are signs that at least 74,000 phones, tablets and TV Boxes running Android are infected with Triada malware around the world. In particular, this company has identified 7 TV Box models, including T95, T95Z, T95MAX, X88, Q9, X12PLUS and MXQ Pro 5G and a tablet named J5-W. These products are cheap but have a large and diverse user base, from families, businesses to schools in the US.

An Android TV box model called X88 Pro sold on Amazon. Photo: AndroidPCTV

An Android TV box model called X88 Pro sold on Amazon. Photo: AndroidPCTV

Human Security experts said the above devices are mostly made in China. Somewhere in the supply and production chain before delivery to the dealer or store, a backdoor is installed, from which other malicious programs can be downloaded later. Known as badbox infections, these backdoors are linked to global phishing and cybercrime networks.

“Unbeknownst to users, when they plug these things into their TV, they can receive a series of remote commands, download software and start performing a series of bad behaviors,” said Gavin Reid, head of security at Human Security, told Wired . “You can think of badboxes as sleeping cells. They’re just there waiting for instructions and to wake up.”

Human Security’s findings come from a Canadian security expert named Daniel Milisic. He bought the Android TV Box T95 on Amazon for 40 USD, made in China. However, when analyzing the firmware, he found some doubts about the pre-installed backdoor.

Because the malware is installed from the factory, Reid said, removing it is almost impossible. The best way is to buy products from reputable brands, not greedy for cheap equipment.

In Vietnam, J5-W tablet computers are not popular, but the TV Box models on the list are being sold at stores or e-commerce sites for several hundred thousand dong. For example, T95 costs 900,000 VND, X88 less than 700,000 VND.

TV Box is considered one of the useful technological inventions. The product stood out in the early years when smart TVs appeared. They can turn TV models, whether new or old, into smart ones. Instead of spending tens of millions of dong to buy a smart TV, many people choose to spend 1-2 million dong to buy a TV Box. However, this type of device is gradually disappearing due to the popularity of smart TVs and the habit of using smartphones.

Bao Lam (according to Tom’s Guide )

48 | Dang Ngoc Duy

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