Passwords are cracked in less than a second

passwords are cracked in less than a second 6557aa7656b0a | Dang Ngoc Duy

According to the list of easy-to-crack passwords in 2023 published annually by password management tool company NordPass on November 15, there are still millions of users whose passwords are easy to guess and easy to crack. The results were compiled by NordPass based on 4.3 TB of data taken from public sources in 35 countries across 8 different types of digital platforms, then analyzed by company experts and security researchers. independence.

List of the 10 most popular passwords of 2023, all of which can be cracked in less than a second. Source: NordPass

List of 10 most common passwords in 2023, all of which can be cracked in under a second. Source: NordPass

Specifically, the password “123456” is still the most popular with more than 4.5 million attempts, “admin” has more than 4 million attempts, followed by numeric strings like “1234”, “12345678”, “Aa123456″ or ” password” are about a million times placed. More difficult to guess passwords like “P@ssw0rd” were recorded 135,424 times, while “qwertyuiop” was recorded 79,434 times. These are all passwords that are cracked in under a second.

Brand names like “amazon”, “netflix”, “google”, “motorola” and easy-to-remember words like “welcome”, “demo”, “test” are also used by many people as passwords. They can be tracked down by hackers “in about a second”.

In Vietnam, numerical passwords are still the most used. Among them, “123456” is a popular number sequence, used nearly 200,000 times, followed by “123456789” and “12345678”.

10 most popular passwords in Vietnam in 2023. Source: NordPass

10 most popular passwords in Vietnam in 2023. Source: NordPass

Currently, passwords are still a popular security method because of their convenience, but are considered outdated. Many companies are currently looking for new solutions to replace this type. Google currently prioritizes Passkey , a login method using fingerprint, face or pin code authentication, instead of traditional passwords. Apple implemented the passcode option when it released iOS 16, allowing the technology to be used on certain apps like Apple Wallet.

During the seminar on Passwordless Authentication in Hanoi last July, Mr. Andrew Shikiar, CEO of FIDO Alliance, said that the new authentication trend is moving from “user-held information” such as passwords, OTPs to “information information only owned by the user”, for example biometric factors such as fingerprints, faces.

Bao Lam

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