
google launches gemini ai model more powerful than gpt 4 65735bcd857bf | Dang Ngoc Duy

Google launches Gemini – AI model 'more powerful than GPT-4'

Gemini launched on the evening of December 6, is Google's most advanced and general AI model to date, competing with OpenAI's GPT-4. Unlike other popular large language models in recent…

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new bluetooth vulnerability affects billions of devices 65735bcb41483 | Dang Ngoc Duy

New Bluetooth vulnerability affects billions of devices

Daniele Antonioli, an expert at the Eurecom Research Institute (France), has discovered a series of unknown security weaknesses in BLUFFS (Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy) technology. These vulnerabilities are related…

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ai is becoming a weapon for cyber attacks 65735b8bbe519 | Dang Ngoc Duy

AI is becoming a weapon for cyber attacks

Forecasting cyber security threats in 2024, security research group FortiGuard Labs (USA) said that artificial AI is tending to be "weaponized" by bad guys for cyber attacks. This technology is…

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impersonating a lawyer to recover money from online tasks 65735b3ec95c4 | Dang Ngoc Duy

Impersonating a lawyer to 'recover money from online tasks'

Thanh Huong, 22 years old in Binh Duong, said that after contacting Facebook with the name "lawyer Tran Huy" to ask for help getting her money back, she was instructed…

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2 6 billion cloud accounts breached in two years 65735afed16a0 | Dang Ngoc Duy

2.6 billion cloud accounts breached in two years

On December 7, Apple announced research conducted by professor Stuart Madnick of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). The results show that personal data breaches have become a "pandemic" worldwide.…

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the song composed and sung by ai was criticized as too bad 656a232f837e7 | Dang Ngoc Duy

The song composed and sung by AI was criticized as 'too bad'

Video Betrayed by this Town , the first composition of singer-songwriter Anna Indiana, reached 24 million views on platform X after one week. However, the attraction does not lie in…

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musk continues to be skeptical about dangerous ai at openai 656a229dca6e0 | Dang Ngoc Duy

Musk continues to be skeptical about 'dangerous AI' at OpenAI

"I have mixed feelings about Sam. The power ring may be broken," Elon Musk said at the New York Times Dealbook Summit event on November 29, referring to the ring…

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another ceo of a billion dollar ai company was forced to resign 656a22285f1a7 | Dang Ngoc Duy

Another CEO of a billion-dollar AI company was forced to resign

According to several sources who spoke to Bloomberg , Stability AI has considered itself an "acquisition target" in recent weeks, even starting discussions with potential companies. A source said negotiations…

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jack ma caused a stir because of his comments to his staff in the middle of the night 656a21e8f1001 | Dang Ngoc Duy

Jack Ma caused a stir because of his comments to his staff in the middle of the night

"I can't sleep right now and don't dare to think that Pinduoduo's market value has reached 185.5 billion USD, only 8 billion USD less than Alibaba . Pinduoduo has quietly…

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what did sam altman say after returning to openai 656a219eafc89 | Dang Ngoc Duy

What did Sam Altman say after returning to OpenAI?

"After time passed, I realized the company could operate without me. That was really nice," Sam Altman told The Verge on November 29. "I returned to OpenAI without feeling stressed…

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