
three vietnamese people were accused by microsoft of creating 750 million fraudulent accounts 657c953060a6c | Dang Ngoc Duy

Three Vietnamese people were accused by Microsoft of creating 750 million fraudulent accounts

In an announcement on the company blog on December 13, Microsoft said it had sent a complaint to law enforcement agencies in the US against three individuals including Duong Dinh…

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chatgpt revealed personal information because of a silly error 65735c0bbdee2 | Dang Ngoc Duy

ChatGPT revealed personal information because of a 'silly' error

A group of researchers at Google DeepMind, University of Washington, Cornell University, Carnegie Mellon University, University of California Berkeley and ETH Zurich simultaneously called on AI companies to thoroughly test…

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new bluetooth vulnerability affects billions of devices 65735bcb41483 | Dang Ngoc Duy

New Bluetooth vulnerability affects billions of devices

Daniele Antonioli, an expert at the Eurecom Research Institute (France), has discovered a series of unknown security weaknesses in BLUFFS (Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy) technology. These vulnerabilities are related…

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ai is becoming a weapon for cyber attacks 65735b8bbe519 | Dang Ngoc Duy

AI is becoming a weapon for cyber attacks

Forecasting cyber security threats in 2024, security research group FortiGuard Labs (USA) said that artificial AI is tending to be "weaponized" by bad guys for cyber attacks. This technology is…

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impersonating a lawyer to recover money from online tasks 65735b3ec95c4 | Dang Ngoc Duy

Impersonating a lawyer to 'recover money from online tasks'

Thanh Huong, 22 years old in Binh Duong, said that after contacting Facebook with the name "lawyer Tran Huy" to ask for help getting her money back, she was instructed…

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2 6 billion cloud accounts breached in two years 65735afed16a0 | Dang Ngoc Duy

2.6 billion cloud accounts breached in two years

On December 7, Apple announced research conducted by professor Stuart Madnick of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). The results show that personal data breaches have become a "pandemic" worldwide.…

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it often takes businesses half a year to detect a data breach 656a2065c59bd | Dang Ngoc Duy

It often takes businesses half a year to detect a data breach

At the conference to answer questions about Decree 13 on the morning of November 23 in Hanoi, experts and managers assessed that data leaks in Vietnam have occurred quite frequently…

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google drive encountered a strange error causing data loss 656a1feef39ac | Dang Ngoc Duy

Google Drive encountered a strange error causing data loss

The problem leading to the above situation mainly affects users of the Google Drive application version for computers. Affected people reported on the Google forums that their files disappeared without…

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many people lost all their lifes accumulated money because of cyber fraud 656a1faf5329b | Dang Ngoc Duy

'Many people lost all their life's accumulated money because of cyber fraud'

At the 2023 Information Security Day event, organized by the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA) and the Information Security Department - Ministry of Information and Communications on November 30 in…

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apple releases emergency update for iphone 656a1f6e2db38 | Dang Ngoc Duy

Apple releases emergency update for iPhone

According to the announcement on November 30, Apple recommends that iPhone users upgrade the software as soon as possible. "Processing content on the web can lead to the risk of…

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