
deepfake risks from anime photo creation applications 6517119a47e37 | Dang Ngoc Duy

Deepfake risks from anime photo creation applications

The trend of creating animated photos has appeared in Vietnam for a long time, but it took off at the end of August. On social networks, many people share photos…

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trick to take over accounts by sending quotation files 65171090596c7 | Dang Ngoc Duy

Trick to take over accounts by sending ‘quotation’ files

At the end of August, Mr. Nhan, the owner of a store in Hanoi, received a text message asking about the service from a strange customer. This person had never…

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apple fixes eavesdropping vulnerability on iphone 651710d0ab305 | Dang Ngoc Duy

Apple fixes eavesdropping vulnerability on iPhone

This vulnerability has existed for many years and has been fixed by Apple many times but still not completely. If infected, a phone containing malicious code can secretly read encrypted…

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