Use local loudspeakers to propagate against online fraud

use local loudspeakers to propagate against online fraud 6600fe4606bdb | Dang Ngoc Duy

At the press conference of the Ministry of Information and Communications on the afternoon of March 6, Mr. Tran Quang Hung, Deputy Director of Information Security, said that to more effectively prevent the problem of online fraud, it will be necessary to deploy three solution groups. Major measures include policy institutions, techniques and propaganda.

Regarding propaganda, the Ministry will promote a new method, the grassroots radio system to wards and communes. This comes from a survey by the Information Security Department showing that a large number of victims of online fraud are users of low-cost, small-screen Android devices. This shows that the elderly and low-income groups are more likely to fall into the sights of scammers. Accessing information through traditional means such as local loudspeakers is considered to be more effective.

A cluster of street speakers in Hanoi. Photo: Giang Huy

A cluster of street speakers in Hanoi. Photo: Giang Huy

Previously, the Department deployed propaganda through a number of channels such as the National Cyberspace Portal, Fraud Identification and Prevention Handbook, and Weekly Fraud News Series. However, Mr. Hung assessed that fraud forms and scenarios are constantly changing, causing anti-fraud people to “always be behind” the scammers. This requires innovation in propaganda methods and technical measures.

In terms of technology, the Department of Information Security has implemented measures such as monitoring, tracking, warning and blocking malicious domain names; Develop a national online anti-fraud database so that organizations and individuals can query, exploit and contribute data promptly.

In addition, the Ministry of Information and Communications also coordinates with agencies and professional units under the Ministry of Public Security and telecommunications enterprises to monitor and review to limit the situation of leaking and buying and selling personal data at the Ministry of Public Security. Vietnam. Revealed personal information is said to be one of the root causes of online fraud, because it can be used to create fake accounts, or to lure victims.

“The destination of fraud is finance. When we solve the problem of identification, junk sim cards, and junk bank subscriptions, I believe online fraud will decrease significantly,” Mr. Hung said.

Luu Quy

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