Vietnam has the National Cyber Security Association

vietnam has the national cyber security association 6517115a72aec | Dang Ngoc Duy

On the afternoon of September 8, the National Cyber Security Association held the first National Congress, term 2023-2028. Previously, on May 8, the Association received a decision to allow its establishment from the Ministry of Home Affairs. Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang, Deputy Minister of Public Security, was elected Chairman of the Association. The Standing Vice Chairman is Lieutenant General Nguyen Minh Chinh, Director of Cyber Security and High-Tech Crime Prevention and Control – Ministry of Public Security. The Secretary General is Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Ba Son, Head of Department – Department of Cyber Security and Crime Prevention using high technology.

General To Lam, Minister of Public Security, said that the Association was born in the context of complex developments in cybersecurity violations in Vietnam and the world. From the beginning of the year until now, authorities have recorded more than 16 million cyber attack warnings, much higher than 2022. Most attack targets are information systems of state agencies, businesses, and corporations. spearhead economy.

In addition, cyber criminals also use many sophisticated forms of fraud, causing great damage to people. Over the past 9 months, the Ministry of Public Security has handled nearly 800 cases with a total loss of trillions of dong. In particular, virtual currency exchanges have many potential risks of violations but attract a large number of participants, the transaction amount also reaches tens of thousands of billions of VND each month.

Minister of Public Security To Lam. Photo: Viet Hung

Minister of Public Security To Lam. Photo: Viet Hung

According to the Minister, domestic units are still not autonomous in technology and must depend on foreign countries, especially in emergencies, to handle national cybersecurity issues. This leads to the risk of cyber attacks, terrorist sabotage of key infrastructure, and espionage activities misappropriating confidential State information. In some cases, bad guys also take advantage of cyberspace to spread propaganda, discredit Party leaders or incite protests and sabotage.

Faced with this reality, Mr. To Lam believes that in the coming time there will be major shifts, from protecting territorial sovereignty to cyber sovereignty, from territorial control to cyberspace control, from software outsourcing. software to service management. Therefore, Vietnam needs the cooperation of organizations, businesses, as well as the National Cyber Security Association. The Association will act as a “shield” to protect Vietnam’s security, interests, and sovereignty in cyberspace.

“The Association will create Vietnam’s cyber security, form a high-value cyber security market on the international map, create strong cyber security corporations and companies, recognized by the world,” Mr. Lam said.

According to the work program, the Association will strengthen propaganda and dissemination of cybersecurity laws and skills; Participate in comments on relevant legal documents. The Association will also participate in programs, research topics, consulting, criticism and social assessment according to recommendations on cybersecurity; Strengthen international cooperation related to cybersecurity.

Hoang Giang

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